Blue-Green deployment is a strategy to achieve zero-downtime deployment. With cloud-native applications, it is common practice to reduce downtime when upgrading the application version. Due to the ease with which we can provision new infrastructure on the cloud, it becomes easier to adopt new ways of improving the deployment.
Blue Green deployment definition
In this post, we will look at how to use Blue-Green deployment with Kubernetes. One of the best places to look for definition is the glossary of terms provided by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). The CNCF defines Blue Green deployment as
"A strategy for updating running computer systems with minimal downtime. The operator maintains two environments, dubbed “blue” and “green”. One serves production traffic (the version all users are currently using), whilst the other is updated. Once testing has concluded on the non-active (green) environment, production traffic is switched over (often via the use of a load balancer)."
The main point here is two identical environments named blue and green and the traffic switching using load balancer. Lets see how this can be applied to the Kubernetes environment.
How to perform Kubernetes Blue Green Deployment
We start by creating two versions of the application. Let's say V1 which is deployed to the live environment. This forms our Blue environment. To keep things simple, I have created a simple ASP.Net Core application. It is packaged into a Docker image with two tags. One tag has Blue background and will be used to deploy to the Blue environment. The other container image with green tag will be used to deploy to the Green environment. The two docker container images are published to Dockerhub as
- nileshgule/blue-green-demo:blue
- nileshgule/blue-green-demo:green
Step 1 : Setup Blue environment
Once the container images are pushed to the container registry, we can use Kubernetes Deployment to deploy to the Kubernetes cluster. We create a blue-deployment using the image tagged as blue. The Kubernetes deployment will internally create a replicaset and related pod. In the pod deployment template we set the label as app: blue.
The deployment is exposed outside the Kubernetes cluster using a Kubernetes service of the type loadbalancer. The service uses the selector with app: blue value.
Step 2: Setup Green environment
Step 3: Route traffic to Green environment
Note that the Blue environment is still there, but the active or live traffic is served by the green environment. If there is any problem with the Green environment, we can change the selector in the service again to point back to the Blue environment quickly allowing us to revert the changes with minimal impact on the end users.
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Until next time, Code with Passion and Strive for Excellence.