Youtube–Autoscaling containers with KEDA on AKS


Over the last few months, it has become difficult to dedicate time to blogging. I also wanted to explore the option of doing interactive videos. As a result, I have started YouTube channel and posted few videos so far. First of all I started with a 3 part series on Autoscaling containers with Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling (KEDA).

KEDA playlist

During last 6 months or so, I happened to deliver multiple sessions at different community events about event driven auto-scaling applications using containers and Kubernetes. KEDA is an interesting project. I built or rather refactored one of my sample application to run with KEDA.

In this example I built a .Net core producer which generates a configurable number of messages and pushes them to a RabbitMQ queue. This is developed as a .Net Core API project. On the consumer side, we can configure the .Net consumer to pick a batch of messages and process them. This is where event driven auto-scaling feature of KEDA comes into the picture. Based on the number of messages present in the queue, KEDA scales the consumer instances.

The producer, consumer and the RabbitMQ broker are all deployed onto a Kubernetes cluster. The Kubernetes cluster is a managed cluster deployed using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). In the 3 parts we cover following topics:

Part 1 – Provision AKS cluster

We look at all the software that I use in order to develop and deploy the application. We also look at the generic PowerShell script which automates the AKS cluster provisioning.

Part 2 – Deploy application containers

In this video we look at the code how it interacts with the RabbitMQ broker from the producer and the consumer side. We build the docker images using Docker-compose and publish them to DockerHub public container registry.

Part 3 – KEDA autoscale in action

In the final part of the series we look at the KEDA architecture, steps to deploy KEDA using Helm and deploy autoscale application based on the number of messages.


I hope that the video series provides a much better option compared to taking screenshots and putting them in the blogpost. It also gives me better opportunity to express myself and provides another medium to share the knowledge. Hope you like the series. in case you find the content useful, please share it and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

The complete source code for the series is available on my Github repo named pd-tech-fest-2019. I am very proud to say that this is also one of the official samples listed in the KEDA project.

Until next time, Code with Passion and Strive for Excellence.



  1. Dear Nilesh, Thank you for your video sharing but when I am following your code in to kubectl apply the AutoScaledConsumer *.yaml the hpa was totally not created in my AKS. After I apply the *.yml in AutoScaledConsumer and kubectl get hpa but nothing shown as per your video Part 3 17:26 ... Would you please advice?

    1. Apologies for the late reply. Its almost 2 years since I am replying to this comment. You can look at the events related to deployments and also the pod to find out if there was any issue with the configuration.
