Tips for improving traffic to blog

I have been blogging for quite some time now. One thing I observed was that the traffic to my blog was very less. I never gave any attention to it. But off late I thought of getting bit serious about blogging. While looking for options to improve traffic to the blog I came across a wonderful article which was a series of posts to demonstrate 10 different ways of improving traffic to blog.

I user blogger as my blog account service. Here is a series which I found very useful for customizing the blog. I have tried many of the steps mentioned in the post.


Some of these steps were simple like providing links for readers to subscribe by means of RSS. Another good suggestion was to submit the blog to search engines like Google, MSN and Yahoo. Adding the blog to blog directories is also beneficial.

Some of these activities can be time consuming. It took me almost a days effort to accomplish this. I hope this step will help me to attract some more readers.


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